In this video, we will discuss formatting your paper in APA style. - The reference list is a compilation of all the works consulted in your research. - Start your reference list on a new page. - The word "References" should be centered and written in a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters. - Make sure all entries in the reference list are double-spaced. - Apply the hanging indent format to the reference list, where the first line of each reference aligns with the left margin and subsequent lines are indented. - Arrange the entries in alphabetical order by the author's surname, followed by their initials. - Appendices should contain supplementary material that may distract or be inappropriate in the main body of the paper. - Each appendix should begin on a new page. - If there is only one appendix, label it as "Appendix." If there are multiple appendices, label them with capital letters in the order mentioned in the paper (e.g. Appendix A, Appendix B). - Center the word "Appendix" and the corresponding capital letters at the top of the page. - Every appendix must have a title, which should be centered and written in a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters. - Start the text of the appendix at the left margin, followed by indented paragraphs. - Headings, subheadings, tables, and figures can be included in an appendix. - Tables and figures should be logically organized and numbered in the order of their first mention in the text (e.g. Table 2, Figure 2). - If there are tables and figures in the appendix, label them with capital letters and numbers (e.g. Table A1). - Tables should have a brief explanatory title, italicized, and notes should be included below the table. - Figures can be any type of illustration within a table and should have a figure number and a title with a caption below. -...
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Appendix and appendix b in pub 519 Form: What You Should Know
This statement must be included unless IRS determines that you are a U.S. citizen in which case, you will be permitted to file Form 2055, U.S. Non-Resident Alien Form 2055, U.S. Nonresident Alien. However, you must make sure you have your tax return and all the required tax information ready to go when you file Form 8233. Taxpayers who are a U.S. resident and foreign individuals An IRS Publication 519 will provide an individual with information to determine the nonresident alien's U.S. tax status and the amount to prepare a Form 8233 that will exempt an alien from U.S. tax. Taxpayers who are a nonresident alien and are a U.S. citizen are not generally required, however, they or their foreign financial representatives must send in to the IRS Form W-7X, U.S. Person With Respect to Pending Tax Proceedings. This form is used to obtain an individual's IRS withholding exemption status. However, some taxpayers who are a U.S. Non-resident alien and are a U.S. citizen must register with the IRS to obtain information about their status. This form must be completed by the individual with respect to any pending tax case that may be investigated by the federal government. As an alternative to completing this Form W-7X for a U. S. citizen the individual may be required to provide IRS information through a paper Form 1040-C, U.S. Individual Retirement Assistance Payment. The IRS sends Form 1040-C to the resident alien and foreign financial representatives that provide an individual with information on exempt status. Nonresident alien and resident alien who do not meet the test for exemptions If you are a nonroutine or unusual taxpayer who does not qualify for the exception provided by IRS to exempt from U.S. tax: A. If you have not filed or filed late; and B. If you do not satisfy the U.S. Tax qualification test; and You and your wife, husband or wife, or if you have two or more children who are U.S.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Appendix and appendix b in pub 519