Hi, my name is Samantha Kimmie. Then, my name is Amanda Rogerson, and this is the May edition of Louisville inked. We're here today to talk to you about lobbying, specifically lobbying by 501 C 3 charitable organizations. The reason we're here to talk to you about that today is because we know a lot of organizations are wary when it comes to lobbying. Many feel like they can't do a lot of lobbying because they will lose their tax-exempt status if they do. We want to let you know exactly what the rules are and that you can actually do quite a bit of lobbying as long as you know what you're doing. First, we need to talk about what lobbying is. Lobbying is classified as any type of communication that's intended to influence the creation or enactment of any type of legislation. There are different kinds of lobbying, such as direct lobbying, where the organization itself contacts legislators or staffers to influence legislation. Another kind is grassroots lobbying when the organization asks the public to act and contact their legislator to influence said legislation. One of the reasons that many organizations feel like lobbying is a verboten territory is because of the "in substantial part" test. This test has been in effect since 1934 and essentially states that if you are a straight 501c3 organization, you can't spend a substantial amount of your activities, time, and money on lobbying. Because this test is vague and unclear on what constitutes a substantial amount, many organizations choose to steer clear of lobbying altogether. What they often don't know is that in 1976, another law was passed called the expenditure test law. The expenditure test law means that if you're a 501 C 3 organization that elects 501 h status, you actually have much...
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501c3 rules Form: What You Should Know
If they Nonprofit Compliance Checklist — Nonprofits Private foundations are required to file Form 199 regardless of the gross receipts amount. If your nonprofit had 50,000 or less in gross receipts, instead of Form 199, you can fill out the form The IRS will then file an 8056 Tax Return Form IRS form 8056(a) (PDF) every year for the three years the organization was formed in which they are tax-free. In general, a nonprofit must apply for recognition of exemption every year. Some forms can be filed online with a Form 8056 (PDF) with a .pdf attachment, or they can be downloaded to save and print. The Forms 8056 and 8056-A are not mandatory. The IRS can grant these exempt status every year for a nonprofit, however, as long as they file all tax returns with a 1023 or 8051 form. How To File An 8056 Tax Return (PDF) The nonprofit must provide a 1099-MISC Form at the end of the year for any amounts received in excess of 100,000 as specified in the form 8061. If your nonprofit does not have the ability to file a Form 8055 tax return, they can fill out a Form 8062 form which must identify the nonprofit's IRS tax-exempt status to request a tax exemption for the next one year. How To File An 8062 (PDF) for an Annual Tax Return How to File an 8062 for an Annual Tax Return If the IRS grants tax exemption for the nonprofit, the IRS will file a 8062 form for the organization, as described above. If the nonprofit has not filed a Form 8052, for the previous year, the IRS can file tax returns for each year the organization was exempt. You can file any form that you wish. It is not necessary to file every year. Form 8013 is not considered an annual tax return, but any other form can be used for tax filing. If the nonprofit did not provide a Form 8055 for that year, the IRS will file a Form 8664, a report of exempt organization.
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